Everything Responds To Your Energy

Convenience, coincidence, luck…... Or magic?

Two days ago, I was at my favourite local organic store and café. My love and I were eating lunch and each having one of their delicious smoothies. As we were paying for our goodies, I noticed a small flyer sitting on the counter. It was advertising The Indie Authors Book Fair which takes place around Australia in a few different locations throughout the year. Well, this flyer was advertising the fair coming up in Bunbury, Western Australia, where I currently reside, and… in TWO DAYS!

That was two days ago. Today, and as I write this, I am sitting at the Indie Book Fair. It’s 10:01am, a mirror number, divinely reminding me that everything is a mirror. What do I mean by that?

Well, let me jump back to two days ago…

When I saw the sign at the café, I looked up their website and saw a button to register my interest as an Author. I thought to myself, “Chances are, it’s full (being only two days away)”, but I filled in the form and then got on with my day.

That evening I got an email saying that there was ONE space left, conveniently (or magically – you choose)! Almost instantly fears arose and I wanted to run in the opposite direction. I breathed and remembered that recently I’d asked the Universe to reveal ways to share my books offline, after my recent choice to take a break from social media.

“I expand my mind to new vision”.
“I open my heart, mind, and body to new, fun, and exciting possibilities”.
“I am connected to the infinite abundance of the Universe”.

Not only that but daily I have made it a practice to create space between my thoughts (stories of the mind) and my truth, the truth of who I am underneath the humanness… Spirit, source energy, unlimited. The mind is the only thing that limits us and creates beliefs of limit, due to past conditioning, but none of it is true. When you expand your mind to beyond the stories, you WILL create magic – PS. I will be sprinkling this message throughout my blogs, keep reading to encode it into your system with each post.

So, after returning to my body and the truth, that this is a passing moment in which I can choose how I want to FEEL and respond, I chose to let those thoughts pass by and take this opportunity… not just as a way to share my books. Truthfully, that was not even close to my highest intention. The main reasons I said yes and accepted the opportunity to be at the book fair was this:

1.      When you open one door, you have access to one hundred others.
The Universe presents you with opportunities to see if you’re ready and willing to take the leap. You can say YES and open your energy to what it could be OR you can say NO and close yourself off, making a statement that you’re not ready for it. Thus, remaining stagnant, until you have the courage to choose again.

2.      I was ready to expand my comfort zone and allow myself to be seen in a new way.
If you’ve read You Don’t Have Anxiety, you’ll know why I use the term ‘expand your comfort zone’ instead of ‘get out of your comfort zone’. I knew I was ready for something different, even though I still had some hesitations.

After signing up and putting together all that I needed to set up a pretty display, I began to get excited. No expectations on how it would go, just excited for something new and different, possibly even fun.

Then, last night, after a day of gathering the final pieces together, I started to feel nervous. I started to fall into thoughts of, “Oh gosh I have to set it up by myself”, “What about when I have to go to the toilet and leave my table unmanned”, “What if my new EFTPOS device doesn’t work”, “what if, what if, what if…”. Albeit I was super tired and when you’re tired it’s SO easy to fall into the downward spiral of lower vibrational thoughts, but with this awareness, I held my heart and drifted off to sleep.

This morning, I woke at 5 am and my heart felt heavy, and I felt sad. Sad because my love was away in Perth for a yoga event, and I felt a little alone knowing I was about to set up and do this by myself. Which is empowering when you shift your perspective, but in my heart I felt sad. So, I allowed myself to FEEL the sadness, first and foremost. I got up and had my lemon water, then sat on the couch with a guided meditation. I felt the energy in my chest shift and then once it had, I allowed pure positive energy to pour into every cell of my body. I reminded myself that I am SO supported. “I may not have someone to come with me and help me set up today, but I am ALWAYS supported”, and I felt that energy throughout my being.

I made breakfast and a cup of tea and started journaling. Another much-loved practice.

During my journaling practice, I set an intention for the fair. I let go of expectations, felt the fullness of life as it is now (with or without book sales), and opened myself up to making new connections and opening doors to new opportunities. I CHOSE to be in an energy of openness, of ease and flow, of relaxation and detached from any outcomes, just present and happy with what is, whatever that may be.

Then I showered and got dressed, packed the car and was ready to leave 45 minutes early… talk about ease. So, with time to spare, I decided to make a hot cup of cacao and head over to the beach to ground, connect with Mother Earth and feel her nurturing embrace (which is always available to you by the way). She held me, I appreciated the magic of the moment as I sipped my cacao and allowed inspired affirmations to drop in. Then I walked home to dance to a couple of songs before driving to the book fair to set up.

Here’s what unfolded…

Mirror #1
I flooded my body with the energy of being supported during my morning meditation, and when I got to the book fair, I had multiple people wanting to assist me in setting up, even offering to get me food and water throughout the day.

Mirror #2
I embodied the energy of ease, and I landed the most convenient car park (there is limited parking at the event). I parked in the shade, right near the entrance, and brought my boxes in. I set up and was ready to go early. EASE.

Mirror #3
I dropped expectations on how the fair would unfold and decided to be open to new connections and opportunities instead. I connected with other authors, a local writer’s group, as well as some beautiful people who came through the door, some of which connected me with local groups to share my story and messages with others who are struggling with their mental health, which is needed everywhere, let’s be honest. As well, I met two women who had just started a wellness co-op locally, as a way to empower people to be their own healers, and they’ve asked me to potentially collaborate. I created new opportunities to serve offline with my open energy.

As within, so without.

And then there’s the magic, if the above wasn’t enough to convince you…

I decided I didn’t need sales today and instead was open to abundance in all ways, so I detached from any specific outcomes, while at the same time staying open to the many ways I can receive. Within 20 minutes of the fair doors opening, I received a notification to say someone had bought all three of my books on my website. I didn’t close myself off to just making sales and connections at the fair, I was open to ALL of the possibilities. Then of course, in addition, there were the sales on the day (PS. It’s still the morning as I write this and there are three hours to go). GRATEFUL.

When you open yourself up, take steps in the general direction of what it is that you desire, detach from how it will all unfold, you allow the Universe to surprise you in new and exciting ways.

Make an energetic statement today that you are ready for what it is that you want, embody that energy, be that, and watch as conveniently, coincidentally, as if by sheer luck, things start unfolding in your favour.

Like magic I guess 😉✨

Tara Swann

Emotional Empowerment Coach & Author


How To Feel Abundant NOW


Pleasure Over Productivity