My Manifestation of YOU

In August 22 I wrote at the top of a page,

‘My Manifestation Of You’

In October 22, I met my soulmate

For years I’d struggled in relationships… either attracting partners that sent me spiraling into insecurity and self-doubt (for good reason) or leaving relationships in the pursuit of something more thrilling.

In 2022 I’d finally decided I’d had enough of my own relationship patterns of insecurity, pain, and fleeting experiences, and I changed it all. I decided what I wanted, decided I was worthy of having it (after some inner work), and changed the whole game for myself.

With some deep self-love practices, self-acceptance, channeling emotions, and influencing my frequency, I became a match for the love of my life.

…Within a few months, I called him in.

I realised that what it takes to call in your soulmate is not outward searching for “the one”, it’s turning inward and becoming the person you need to be to become a match for that person.

You attract what you are.

In this program I have included five modules to help you become the most self-loving, powerful version of yourself so that calling in your person becomes clear, effortless, and empowering.

You just have to decide you’re ready…

What’s Included

Your story

Understanding your relationship patterns and beliefs about love so you can break the cycle once and for all.

If it’s not a f*ck yes….

Becoming empowered so that you have clarity on who is a hell NO so you know when you meet your wholehearted hell YES.

Open your heart

Learning to live emotionally empowered, release fears and insecurities, feel worthy, and pull down the walls around your heart so you become open and available for your love.

Hold the frequency

Powerful practices to help you align daily and hold the frequency of the person who already has it all, so you are a match for your person.

Foundations of conscious relating

When you enter a relationship, the real work starts. So, I have included the foundations of conscious relating, giving you some insight into how to move through any challenges or insecurities that may arise when you do meet your person.

- 5 Modules, self-paced, lifetime access -


My Manifestation of You
One time
For 2 months

✓ Lifetime access

“It’s amazing what you attract when you know and claim your worth”

— Tara

“The most powerful act is to become a lover of oneself”

— Tara